Friday, February 22, 2008

Ruth Goring in Raving Dove & Call for Submissions

Most excellent news! Ruth Goring, a friend of the Writer Friendly blog, has published a poem in the current edition of Raving Dove (Spring 2008, #12.)

Experience Ruth's powerful imagery for yourself. Then consider whether you have any work that might contribute to this journal's humanitarian mission.

How does one become a friend of Writer Friendly, you ask? Subscribe, submit ideas, communicate. Pretty easy, huh? Let me know when you publish something and I'll pass it on.

Let's embrace the joy of truly shameless self-promotion together, shall we?

This just in: Raving Dove is sponsoring an Evolve Beyond Violence Nonfiction Essay Award.

And I quote (from an email received today):

"As a way to build awareness of our mission, we are sponsoring our first Evolve Beyond Violence Nonfiction Essay Award, with a first-place prize of $1,000. The reading period begins exactly one week from today and ends September 1. Complete information can be found at Past and current contributors are eligible to participate. "


RuthG said...

Thank you thank you!

But you know what--I subscribed to you from the start but haven't been getting notifications. Another Blogger glitch. Argh!

I'll just bookmark you & stop by frequently, I guess.

Sundry said...

Ruth - You are listing as active on my subscriber list. I notice (because I've subscribed from a different account as a test) that the notifications aren't sent immediately, but I'm not sure what the lag is.

Thanks for letting me know. I'll see if there's anything I can do about it.

Anyone else having this problem?

RuthG said...

Ah--it's gmail's fault! I just found them in my spam folder. Recent comments from folks at 43T were going there too.

Now that I've marked the updates as NOT spam, hopefully there will be no problem. Yay!