Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Contest Alert :7th Annual Funds for Writers Contest - Best Advice

Perhaps it was Don't run with scissors?

7th Annual FundsforWriters Essay Contest, sponsored by IdeaWeaverSoftware.com

FundsforWriters and its annual sponsor IdeaWeaver, creator of writing and creativity software, announces the 7th Annual FundsforWriters Essay Contest. THEME: "The Best Advice I Ever Had." As is the FundsforWriters trademark, applicants enter with or without an entry fee, their choice. Prize monies range from $10 to $200. Limit 750 words. Deadline October 31, 2008. www.fundsforwriters.com/annualcontest.htm Direct any questions to Hope Clark at hope@fundsforwriters.com

This year's theme is The Best Advice I Ever Got, and you have some choices to make if you decide to write an essay for submission.

You can either write about the best advice you ever got and ignored or the best advice you ever got and ignored.

And you can choose to enter the contest with a $5 fee that includes a copy of the book, or without the $5...and no book.

Check out Funds for Writers for more information and submission guidelines.

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